
Book Review Disclaimer:

In accor­dance with FTC guide­lines, the blog on this site always dis­clos­es where books being reviewed orig­i­nate. Some­times we review books pro­vid­ed for free by pub­lish­ers as ARCs (advanced read­ing copies) or post-pub­li­ca­tion. Most times the books are from our own per­son­al col­lec­tions or from the pub­lic library. We do not, nor do any of our book review authors, receive any com­pen­sa­tion for reviews.  

If you would like your book to be reviewed, please con­tact us. We make no guar­an­tees of reviews, nor will we review any books in exchange for com­pen­sa­tion. All choic­es of books for review and all opin­ions are the per­son­al and sub­jec­tive opin­ion of the reviewer. 

— Kamalani Hurley

Kamalani Hurley
Kamalani Hur­ley
[pho­to: Rok­ki Midro]