Kaho’olawe Book Launch Pāʻina!

On Sat­ur­day Feb­ru­ary 8, 2025, we held an epic book launch pāʻi­na — par­ty. Our host was the won­der­ful Native Books, a Native Hawai­ian owned book­shop locat­ed in the His­toric Chi­na­town Dis­trict in Hon­olu­lu. Thank to own­er Maile Mey­er and her staff, espe­cial­ly Kūakoloa Robin­son, the event was mag­i­cal. The space was filled with so much alo­ha, thanks to our many fam­i­ly and friends. 

Illus­tra­tor Hari­nani Orme and I are so thank­ful for all of your sup­port. We are thrilled that more kids will learn the true sto­ry of Kahoʻo­lawe and how the lit­tle island and her peo­ple con­tin­ue to thrive today. Please enjoy these pho­tos of the event. Maha­lo nui!

  • It was great to see you all!
    It was so great to see you all!

12 thoughts on “Kaho’olawe Book Launch Pāʻina!”

    • Bran­di, maha­lo for com­ing! It was won­der­ful to see you and that sweet son of yours. We go back years as fel­low Hawai’i-based writ­ers, and I am so grate­ful for your alo­ha and support!

  1. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Kamalani and Hari­nani! You’ve cre­at­ed a beau­ti­ful, impor­tant book togeth­er. Thank you for shar­ing your photos.

  2. Thank you, Vic­ki! You have been with me from before the book came out, help­ing me to have a pro­fes­sion­al pres­ence. So grateful!

    • Absolute­ly! Thank you, Tere­sa, for always being so kind and gen­er­ous with your exper­tise and encour­age­ment. You are a won­der­ful author, and I am so proud to call you my friend.

    • Thank you, my friend! The whole place was filled with so much alo­ha. Because of the top­ic, it was impor­tant that the launch be held in Hon­olu­lu at this Native Hawai­ian owned book­shop. I keep say­ing I’m so grate­ful, but, yes, grat­i­tude is exact­ly what I feel. Maha­lo to you, Jilanne!


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Kamalani Hurley
Kamalani Hurley
[photo: Rokki Midro]

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