
How About a Pineapple?
Kamalani Hurley

Interview with Author Dani Hickman 

Wel­come to our lat­est inter­view with Native Hawai­ian and local Hawaiʻi writ­ers! Author Dani Hick­man is the author of four delight­ful children’s books pub­lished by Island Her­itage. Hi, Dani. For those who haven’t met you, could you please tell us a lit­tle about your­self? I’m a mar­ried local girl with four adult chil­dren. My youngest, who co-authored

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Fishing for Grandma
Kamalani Hurley

Fishing for Grandma by David Manu Bird 

Some of my favorite pop­u­lar posts when I pub­lished Pūpū A ‘O ‘Ewa Native Hawai­ian Writ­ing and Arts at Lee­ward Com­mu­ni­ty Col­lege were per­son­al essays by stu­dents and fac­ul­ty. Fish­ing for Grand­ma, by my col­league and long­time friend, Dave Kaʻa­puwai “Manu” Bird, was first pub­lished in 2014. About this essay, one of our read­ers wrote, “I espe­cial­ly loved read­ing Manu’s

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Kamalani Hurley

E Heluhelu Kākou: No ke Anilā 

The Hawai­ian lan­guage — ʻŌle­lo Hawaiʻi — is a beau­ti­ful, rich lan­guage. Thanks to the inter­net, ʻōle­lo can now be heard across the globe. Read-aloud ver­sions of chil­drenʻs books in Eng­lish are read­i­ly avail­able online. And now thanks to Kame­hame­ha Pub­lish­ing, books in ōle­lo are, too.

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Kamalani Hurley

Interview with Writer Brandi-Ann Uyemura 

Our ongo­ing series on Native Hawai­ian and local Hawaiʻi writ­ers con­tin­ues this week with my friend, author Bran­­di-Ann Uye­mu­ra. Writ­ing coach, blog­ger, coach and author, Bran­di does it all. Her arti­cles and essays inspire hope, courage and com­pas­sion. An Asian American

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Kamalani Hurley

A Nation of Our Own, Spoken Poetry by Chris Oliveira 

Native Hawai­ians have a rich oral tra­di­tion that spans over a thou­sand years. Our sto­ries are told in many forms: songs, chants, hula, leg­ends, ʻōle­lo noʻeau, and word play. Mod­ern Hawai­ians con­tin­ue our ancient tra­di­tion by weav­ing their sto­ries into beau­ti­ful spo­ken poet­ry. Chris Oliveira is

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