
Kamalani Hurley

Lā Hoʻi Hoʻi ʻEa is July 31 

Native Hawai­ians every­where cel­e­brate Sov­er­eign­ty Restora­tion Day on July 31. Lā Hoʻi Hoʻi ʻEa is our nation­al hol­i­day when we remem­ber when our king­dom was returned to the right­ful native gov­ern­ment after being seized by the UK in 1843. 

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Hawaiian hula dancer
Kamalani Hurley

12 Things Native Hawaiian Kids Like 

I love chil­dren’s author Tara Lazar’s blog. Many years ago she post­ed “500+ Things That Kids Like.” From 3D movies to zoos, the won­der­ful list is a reminder of the things that make child­hood fun. Let’s add to this list. To start, here are 12 things Native Hawai­ian and

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