My Debut Picture Book is Announced at Publisherʻs Weekly!

Maha­lo ke Akua! After a long career teach­ing writ­ing (which I real­ly loved), I thrilled beyond words that my debut pic­ture book, KAHOʻOLAWE, has been offi­cial­ly announced at Pub­lish­erʻs Week­ly!


Kahoʻolawe is a sto­ry of loss and era­sure, of sac­ri­fice and ded­i­ca­tion, and, ulti­mate­ly, of restora­tion and resilience. Writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Native Hawai­ians Kamalani Hur­ley and Hari­nani Orme, this chil­drenʻs pic­ture book is the sto­ry of alo­ha ʻāi­na — a deep love of the land — and explores what hap­pened to Kahoʻo­lawe and how she is a bea­con of hope for the Native Hawai­ian peo­ple and for peo­ple every­where who fight against social and envi­ron­men­tal injustice. 

Maha­lo nui …

  • to the lead­ers of the Pro­tect Kaho’o­lawe ‘Ohana for their exper­tise and sup­port of this project. Their ded­i­ca­tion to Kahoʻo­lawe and to the Hawai­ian peo­ple con­tin­ues to inspire. 
  • to edi­tor and pub­lish­er, Car­ol Hinz, whose exper­tise and patience we are count­ing on to get the book into the world.
  • to my agent James McGowan, who always knew this sto­ry need­ed to be told.


image cred­it: Vic­ki Palmquist — Wind­ing Oak

10 thoughts on “My Debut Picture Book is Announced at Publisherʻs Weekly!”

    • Thank you so much, Jing Jing. I am so grate­ful to be work­ing with the won­der­ful Car­ol Hinz at Lern­er. Much aloha!

  1. Hel­lo Kamalani, I am excit­ed about your debut pic­ture book com­ing out in fall of 2024 and can’t wait to have my own copy. I lis­tened to your inter­view with Patrice Gopo and now I’m ful­ly intrigued. BTW, this is the first time I vis­it­ed your web­site and it looks great.

    • Thank you so much, my friend. Patrice is a won­der­ful pod­cast host and per­fect for dis­cussing the impact pic­ture books can have on kids and their adults.


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