Publisher’s Weekly Sneak Peak: Kaho’olawe Picture Book!

I’ve missed you, my read­ing and writ­ing friends! It’s been a lit­tle while since my last blog post, but that’s because I’ve been work­ing on a cou­ple of man­u­scripts. As Stephen King once said, When you’re writ­ing, the book is boss. No kidding.

My debut pic­ture book, Kaho’o­lawe: The True Sto­ry of An Island and Her Peo­ple (illus­trat­ed by Hari­nani Orme) is sched­uled for Spring 2025. And look what I found in Pub­lish­er’s Week­ly Spring 2025 Chil­dren’s Sneak Peak issue! 

from Pub­lish­er’s Week­ly Chil­dren’ Seank Peak Spring 2025 


It’s been two-years from idea to almost pub­li­ca­tion, and I can’t wait to share this book as well as my oth­er projects with you!

Maha­lo to Michael Nahoʻopiʻi of the Kahoʻo­lawe Island Reserve Com­mis­sion and espe­cial­ly Davian­na McGre­gor of the Pro­tect Kahooolawe ‘Ohana for their gen­eros­i­ty and encouragement.

More soon!

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